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Friday, July 23, 2010

Narrowing "it" down!

After completeing week 2 I can say that I have narrowed my research topic. I had two topics that I was having a hard time deciding between: Would a mentor program decrease student tardies and attendance and increase academic success. The second topic: Would it benefit students to attend an over night hands-on science camp and would this experience help eliminate gaps in science knowledge. I am going to begin researching the benefits of Science Camp. I am very excited to begin the research process. I teach 5th grade and we are departmentalized. I am responsible for science. Our campus has made tremendous improvement in our science scores however I truly believe that incorporating a camp in which the rigor of the content is increased, my campus just may get the results that we are looking for in terms of TAKS science grades.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

After reading Ch. 1 of Leading with Passion and Knowledge by Dana Fitchman, I have learned that Action Research is a process of reflection and inquiry. Action Research can be used to reflect on what is happening whether good or bad and then devise a plan to ensure improvement and growth. At this point, it is very necessary that the administrator implements the desired changes to ensure student success. Action Research can also be used as a guide to map out a plan and to focus efforts on improving the quality and effectiveness of a campus.

There are numerous ways in which educational leaders could use blogs. Blogs could be used as a network of support and reflection. Blogging could be used as way to exchange ideas and opinions and also to dialogue with other educational leaders. On another spectrum, blogging would be an effective way for an educational leaders to keep in contact with parents, students and teachers. Upcoming community and school events could be communicated through blogging. In turn, this would help eliminate the cost of paper and postage for letters that are normally mailed out.